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Posted by Aghnan - - 0 komentar

Guess what? It's almost at the middle of July, and here I am with nothing to do for a whole year. I'm happy, though, that my friends are getting their dream universities. But still, a year? Is that even worth my time, my struggles? And then I start to doubt my own way, when I think about all of the sacrifices I have to do. I just want things that other people don't have. I know that they said I'm crazy for what I've believed in, that I should just take another road, the same road that most of people would've taken at the first place. And here now all of the buried questions just popping out.

Should I go to the university, take one or two of the faculties I never really like? Just live the life that you always dream on: high position at work, great salary, getting married to a beautiful woman, have children, etc... Or I could be an anonymous legend, travel from one place to another, live an unpredicted life, make my own destiny. But choices were made not so simple so we should take a deep, really deep thoughts about what we're going to be, what's the risk of everything. In the end, I stuck up with a choice between ordinary life and I get all of what I deserve from my hard work, or...what should I say, a simple life where I make up things for my own story.